Omen On The $20 Bill 



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Triple Coincidence On The $20 Bill


This is incredible! Even more amazing is how somebody figured it out. 

Get your $20 bill and follow the instructions.


1) Fold a NEW PINK $20 bill horizontally in half



2) Fold again exactly as shown below 



3) Fold the other end, exactly as before



4) Now, simply turn it over... 



What an incredible coincidence!

Three simple geometric folds of the $20 bill recreates eerie graphic scenes of the infamous 9/11 terrorist attack.

Here's what you saw on the folded $20 bill side by side with the photos of the actual scenes it recreated.


The Pentagon on fire on one side



The Burning Twin Towers on the other side



Now, look at this! One side of a pleated $20 bill produces the name of the terrorist who masterminded the 9/11 attack.



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